Sunday, August 15, 2004

Wireless net to get faster by 10 times

Competing technology groups are proposing different ways to speed up the data rates of wi-fi which could reach 540 megabits per second.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Olympics to go online

Olympic games will be the first to be broadcast live online.

The International Olympic Committee has permitted more than a dozen broadcasters to show video of the Aug. 13-29 Olympics online.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Single-Use Credit Cards Fight Fraud

It appears that banks and credit card companies are finally realizing that maybe it would be smart to promote their disposable credit card number offerings. Many have offered such services for a while, but most people still don't know about them. They let online shoppers generate a "disposable" credit card number that can be used for a single-time purchase (or only in association with a single vendor), without fear that your actual credit card number will be exposed. If someone does get the number, it won't work, since it's already been disposed, or won't be in association with the specific vendor.

Meanwhile, others like Privacy Inc. think that it shouldn't be the banks that are managing your info anyway

Travel, health, entertainment and news are top Internet searches

Of the 98% of Internet users who have used a search engine, 48% do so at least once per day. On average, Internet users conduct two searches per day, and the largest share - 30% - search more than once per day.

The most popular topics overall were travel, with 61% of users saying they searched on the subject, followed by health (60%), entertainment (58%), current events or news (56%) and weather (56%).