Sintex's digester uses bacteria to break down waste into sludge, much like a septic tank. In the process, the bacteria emit gases, mostly methane. But instead of being vented into the air, they are piped into a storage canister.
A one-cubic-meter digester, primed with cow dung to provide bacteria, can convert the waste generated by a four-person family into enough gas to cook all its meals and provide sludge for fertilizer
A model this size costs about $425 but will pay for itself in energy savings in less than two years
Am doing fine.Not that you asked, just visited the link....haha.
The is a nice concept...instead of cribbing.
Am aware of cooking gas being generated from cow dung in villages, but this seems to be THE solution,Converting
waste --> energy and fertilizer!
Have to look up that link :) Thanks.
Well...on a similar note... if only someone could come up with solar panels which would provide the air-conditioning for free.
Cheers :)
Btw, yes forgetting the past pain / failures is definitely good for everyone not only the Tennis champs.
glad to know that you're doing fine :)
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