Sunday, March 02, 2008

Biogas Digester

Sintex Industries, a plastics and textiles manufacturer in Gujarat, India, is betting it can find profit in human waste. Its new biogas digester turns human excrement, cow dung, or kitchen garbage into fuel that can be used for cooking or generating electricity, simultaneously addressing two of India's major needs: energy and sanitation.

Sintex's digester uses bacteria to break down waste into sludge, much like a septic tank. In the process, the bacteria emit gases, mostly methane. But instead of being vented into the air, they are piped into a storage canister.

A one-cubic-meter digester, primed with cow dung to provide bacteria, can convert the waste generated by a four-person family into enough gas to cook all its meals and provide sludge for fertilizer

A model this size costs about $425 but will pay for itself in energy savings in less than two years



Flights Of The Mind said...

Am doing fine.Not that you asked, just visited the link....haha.
The is a nice concept...instead of cribbing.

Am aware of cooking gas being generated from cow dung in villages, but this seems to be THE solution,Converting
waste --> energy and fertilizer!
Have to look up that link :) Thanks.
Well...on a similar note... if only someone could come up with solar panels which would provide the air-conditioning for free.
Cheers :)
Btw, yes forgetting the past pain / failures is definitely good for everyone not only the Tennis champs.

RK (blog) said...

glad to know that you're doing fine :)