Thursday, September 14, 2006

Gmail "plus-addressing"

Here is an very useful usage of a feature offered by Google Email called plus-addressing -- basically add email extension with a "+" sign as follows: for

Some email clients wont let you login with your real address and you have to replace the @ with a + and it works,

" =" to gmail

Extension to this is to have filters for each of the lables you set up with this "plus-addressing" feature -- Use Gmail Generate Unlimited E-mail Addresses ( via Modern Day Alchemist)

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Amazing performance from OK GO
Performing live on treadmills at the MTV VMA 2006

Here is another of their old performance/dance video
ok go - million ways to be cruel

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Shakira @ VMA '06 -- Indian Connection

Shakira's performance of Hips Don't Lie at recent MTV Video Music Awards incorporated classical indian dance moves - mudras.

Performance was choreographed in part by Bollywood choreographer, Farah Khan. While the hip and chest isolations are trademark Shakira, they were incorporated into the bollywood-styled choreography.

Monday, September 04, 2006

VideoJug -- Life Explained. On Film.

VideoJug is a new site aimed at learning through visual media.

For example, here is 'How to relieve an earache caused by flying',

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bionic Image Labling from Google

Google Image Labeler uses a ESP game that makes this otherwise enormous task an interesting and much quicker and more importantly combines machine and human intelligence.

Basically, you will be paired with an anonymous partner and guess label for random images and you score when there is a label match (you won't know who the partner is and what s/he has guessed.

If you have already played the 'game', here is a bit from the presentation that was funny - 2 people had a match when shown the image of G.Bush and guess what they both had a match -- "YUCK" ;-)

Within one year, google will be sending out checks to the top 1,000 or so players.

Here is an interesting presentation for 'Human Computation'