Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year 2007

Heard this in a movie and thought will make good New Year slogan..

Do what you have to.. do what you want to

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hollywood > [Bollywood + IT Firms]

A single Hollywood 2006 blockbuster, Pirates of the Caribbean took in $1.06 billion worldwide, more than the what the entire Bollywood output grossed. Da Vinci Code raked in $756 million, more than the profit of India’s top IT firms.

Bollywood reaped an American windfall in 2006 with its films making up half of 14 foreign language films that grossed more than $2 million in US — more than any other language...more details

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Bob Dylan - "The Times They Are A' Changin"

Dylan's "The Times They Are A' Changin" came in 1964 ... Classic song... check the lyrics here relevant even today!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

'Little Miss Sunshine' dance scene

Disclaimer: This is a wonderful movie and if you plan to see it, do not play this clip now -- you'll thank me for this. After you see the movie, you'll come back to see it...I'm sure :)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12 Days of Indian Christmas

Update: “12 Days of an Indian Christmas” in this South Park-meets-Charlie Brown Christmas “Boy Mongoose” original.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Old Classic -- Lie Detector Test..

Johnny Carson as a politician taking a lie detector test..
